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I Can’t Wait to Read Your Book!

Your Word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Psalm 119:89

A week ago, I received the release date of my debut, contemporary inspirational romance, Call To Love*. For an excerpt, click on over to

Following the happy and long-awaited news, I made an announcement on FaceBook.

Release date: November 15, 2019.

No typo. That’s truly 16 months from now.

In response, several have oozed with enthusiasm.

“I can’t wait to read your book!”

To which I ooze with gratitude. Because self-reliant ED nurse, Tracy Cassidy, and vigilant cop, Tom DeLaney will finally be given their opportunity to speak.

On the job they don’t hesitate to take emergency calls. But in order to answer the call to love, they’ll have to overcome far more difficult obstacles.

Will they trust God and risk their hearts?

Pondering the book release, I heard the Spirit’s whisper.

“You don’t have to wait to read the book.”

Right. I wrote it. And re-wrote it. Several times.

“No. You don’t have to wait to read The Book.”

Got me thinking.

What if I had at least that much enthusiasm about indulging in the word of God, the holy text written by the Author and perfecter of my faith? What if I oozed with gratitude about the fact that this Spirit-breathed book of wisdom is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness? (II Timothy 3:16b) and available…now?

His word is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12)

It is eternal. (Psalm 119:89)  

Any book that’s both living and eternal is worth the read.

Even in cultures that don’t yet have the Bible in their language or where it isn’t permitted, the hands and feet of the Body of Christ work tirelessly to demonstrate the love and message of the Word through sacrificial service. A year after Hurricane Harvey (remember that one?), teams are still being sent to Houston, Texas, to help rebuild.

For many of us, God’s word is readily available today.


Fearful? His book is available now.

Confused? His book is available now.

Weary? His book is available now.

As for anticipating the release of Call To Love, yes, please, join me with giddy excitement and share the news, but, until then…read the book.

The Book.

*Once Call To Love is available for pre-order, I’ll be giving away a FREE e-book (print when possible) in exchange for an honest – but kind – Amazon review :). Email me if interested in joining the growing Street Team #Felkinsfans 

















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