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Stay Connected to the Vine.

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.”

John 15:4 (NIV)

The morning after my husband drove my youngest daughter back to college, I used the time alone to do some deep cleaning in the bedroom she’d occupied since March, no thanks to COVID.

On her nightstand was a pair of Apple AirPods nestled in their charging case. The discovery offered me the opportunity to give these technology wonders a try.

Once I learned which pod goes in which ear and connected to Blue Tooth via my cell phone, I was good to go for listening to my Spotify playlist.

The first time I’d forgotten the AirPods were still in my ears and wandered out of range, I heard the monotone warning,


I grimaced.

When I turned back toward the room where I’d left my cell phone, I heard, “Pairing…Connected.”

When I went outside to check the mail? “Disconnected.”

Upon returning to the house, it was, “Connected.”

The “connected” and “disconnected” directives that piped through my ears brought to mind John 15, the account of the Vine and the branches.

Remain in me, as I also remain in you.

Imagine if every time we wandered too far from the Lord in mind or deed we were gently pinged with his prompt, “Disconnected”

In a similar way, the Holy Spirit works like the AirPods and reminds me to remain in Jesus and stay connected to him.

Just as I can no longer hear music when I step out of range of my cell (the source of my music), I can no longer hear the voice of God when I wander too far from him.

To stay connected to Jesus requires I stay connected to his word:

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you.” (John 15:7)

What helps you tune into God’s voice? How does God prompt you when you’ve wandered out of range and struggle to hear his voice? What hinders you from hearing him?


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✏️ Two of my 2019 inspirational articles that were published in Refresh, Online Bible Study Magazine, are featured in this 40 short Bible studies compilation, The Power to Make a Difference Available on Amazon.


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