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A Student of My Father.

Jesus answered, “Don’t you know me, Phillip, even after I have been among you such a long time?” John 14:9 (NIV)

There’s a scene in the iconic movie, Titanic, where Jack Dawson is accused of having stolen an impressive diamond necklace from the fiercely jealous fiance´ of main character, Rose DeWitt Bukater.

Turned out, Jack was set up by Rose’s scorned fiance´ in hopes of crushing the romance that’d begun between the two shortly after Titanic put to sea. When the costly necklace was retrieved from Jack’s pocket, Rose hesitated and returned a chilling stare of uncertainty that set Jack ablaze.

“Rose! You know I didn’t do it. You know me!”

Didn’t she?

Yeah. But her knowledge of Jack’s character wasn’t enough to spare him from being taken into custody.

The tone in Jesus voice when he answered his disciples’ questions about his identity (John 14:7, 9) had to be rife with astonishment at their ignorance.

These guys had walked in his company for a couple years, witnessed miracles. They knew what he was capable of, but they’d not been good students of Jesus.

Nothing at all like the good student I’ve been of my dad…

For what it matters, I know how to prepare his Manhattan cocktail like nobody’s business, adding four (not three, not five) pieces of ice into the glass and that he prefers it at 5:00 P.M. alongside a small dish of Lay’s brand potato chips. This preferred only after he’s settled his frail Texas rifleman body in the recliner, the Houston Chronicle or the day’s mail within reach.

I know he’ll grow tired of potato chips and desires Cheetos or mixed nuts as an alternative.

I know he uses two heaping scoops of Folgers coffee in the paper filter, carafe filled to level 4 and drinks his coffee black.

I know what meds he’s to take and when they’re to be taken.

I know he welcomes the challenge of a 500+ piece puzzle and is prone to stay up entirely too late adding “just one more piece” when he should be asleep.

I know his favorite ice cream is still Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla, best if served with Blackberry cobbler.

I know he’s a meticulous record-keeper of financials, family matters and significant news events and has the journals to prove it.

I know he is troubled by rampant immorality in society.

I know his faith in God is paramount to all other things, that he’s never missed a Mass unless circumstances were beyond his control. (Vacations and Christmas morning being no exception)

I know, despite better judgment, he kneels at his bedside to pray for his family every night. Because it’s what a man of integrity does.

I know that I know that I know he loves me and can be trusted with my heart.

Rose wasn’t sure she knew Jack.

The disciples flunked Jesus 101.

But I know my dad. I made a point to study him, for both our sakes.

And, by golly, I know Jesus.

Uh, don’t I?

When tested by trials, would a faltering faith cause Jesus to come back with, “Don’t you know me, Mary?”

When life is falling to pieces, (by my estimation) am I characterized by a calm confidence or do I crumble beneath the weight of fear?

The answer lies in how well I know Jesus. Really know him. His heart, his purpose, his goodness and unfailing love.

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Would Jesus say you’re a good student of him? How well does your knowledge of him serve you in times of trouble?


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✏️ Two of my 2019 inspirational articles that were published in Refresh, Online Bible Study Magazine, are featured in this 40 short Bible studies compilation, The Power to Make a Difference Available on Amazon.


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