So that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting, men may know there is none besides me. I am the Lord, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:6
The dream wasn’t mine. It belonged to my daughter. And she was determined to have it satisfied… with or without anyone accompanying her. The dream? To sit in blessed silence atop a mountain to witness the sunrise.
I volunteered to join her on that wicked early morning drive an hour north to the Blue Ridge Parkway. We arrived at the trailhead of Rough Ridge and hiked its darkened and winding .6 mile path, flashlights in hand.
Time was critical if she wanted to reach the summit before the sun peeked on the horizon. But with each hasty step over jagged rocks and boulders and along a narrow, dirt path, my daughter’s dream became mine. I began to gaze across the mountain scape, its ribboned edges widening in rich orange and yellow hues and found myself begging,
“Don’t you rise yet, sun. We’re almost to the top.”
When we reached the summit, we perched on its solid mass of granite. And shivered.
Click, click, click. And a few quick selfies.
Images of Linus and Sally waiting for the Great Pumpin to rise floated across my brain. The chilly, whipping October wind thrashed against my face and knotted my hair. Despite frozen fingers, I held my camera steady, gazing at the burgeoning, amber orb as it emerged from its pavilion into the cloudless horizon.
My eyes were transfixed on the steadily brightening horizon, the early morning’s indigo sky softening to a pleasing blue pastel. A warm, golden glow blanketed the rumpled landscape.
I have to say, witnessing the sun give birth to, yet, another day sobered me. My spirit hushed as God spoke:
So you’re saddened by the current political situation in America, the disregard for – and even the absence entirely of -godly morality in this world. You’re confounded by the devastation caused by natural disaster that’s visited impoverished countries. And you wonder how long My forbearance will hold out, how I found it wholly good to send the sun, yet, again this morning.
My sunrise says I’ve chosen not to consume this planet and its people because My great love and compassion never fails.
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning.
Lamentations 3:22-23a
There are millions who still pray to Me, seeking My answers, in need of another day to continue their kingdom work and bring my purposes to pass. And there are non-believers who see the sun and consider its origin. So, for the faithful, I rise, For them, I give the light of life and dispel the darkness for those who aren’t yet saved.
I desire that you chase My sunrise in order that you make that moment a sanctuary, a place and time to worship and give thanks.
And know this, that when I place a desire inside a particular soul to witness the sun rise, it’s because I can make Myself findable in it. My presence is not limited to brick and mortar buildings with lofty steeples.
As for the godlessness that permeates the earth, be strong and courageous! The enemy delights in a defeated countenance. So lift your eyes to the hills and find your salvation in Me, remembering that none of evil’s agenda has ever – or ever will – thwart My purposes. In fact, I use it to My advantage.
Each day’s sunrise means there’s much to be done. You’ll miss the show if you’re sleeping through it, so get yourself ready.
I am the Lord, and there is no other.
One the best things that came from chasing the sunrise with my daughter was that it cost me a previously scheduled dentist appointment, a situation for which I’m not at all bummed.
Yes, God is good. From sunrise to sunset.