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Getting Everyone Involved…

“Making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God.” Philippians 1:11 (The MSG)

Whether or not I’d be considered an influential leader or a powerful change agent, I am leading others.

While my resume may not provide evidence of being a leader, my actions and attitude and words lead people -literally or virtually- in one direction or another.

In my little corner of the world, in the obscurity of my home office, I have terrific influence. It doesn’t take a booming voice nor a colorful, sunny personality to get everyone involved.

The problem is that I can be completely unaware of my influence over others and where I may be leading them.

Our ability to get everyone involved in something is both subtle and overtly powerful.

The nagging question is…What am I getting everyone involved in?

Is it complaint? I mean, it is 2020…

If I’m unhappy or dissatisfied about an issue, how quick am I to garner support for my point of view? Misery loves company, right? Because when I’m steeped in discontent, I’d much rather you…the whole world… join me in it.

What about service to others? When a need is brought to my attention, I lead by the way I respond.

My response can motivate you in a positive way that makes “Jesus Christ attractive to all” and advances the kingdom of God or my response can breed apathy and feed self-centered thinking and toxic ingratitude.

Rather than a head shake and, “You’re not going to sign up to help with that, are you?”, I could nod vigorously and say, “I’m going to sign up to help meet that need. It’d be fun for us to work alongside each other.”

Consider the subtle, yet powerful persuasion of a simple shrug of indifference and how it might dissuade you from joining the fight when, instead, I could get you involved in something that might have eternal impact

Both responses lead. Which one results in a smile from God?

You and I lead by example. But where are we leading people? In what are we getting them involved?

I’m thankful our involvement doesn’t have to make headline news to have far-reaching impact. It doesn’t even have to demand great cost of time, talent or treasure. But it does afford us the opportunity to make Jesus Christ attractive and get others involved in the glory and praise of him.

How have you responded to opportunity, small or large? How and where have you lead others by example or attitude?


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✏️ Two of my 2019 inspirational articles that were published in Refresh, Online Bible Study Magazine, are featured in this 40 short Bible studies compilation, The Power to Make a Difference Available on Amazon.


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