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In Consideration of the Reader.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. II Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)

When crafting a story, I have to consider the reader.

Have to.

It used to bug me to hear, “Your readers won’t like that.” I figured if I like what I’ve written, then surely they will, too. 

In addition to story-style devotionals and the online Bible studies I’ve written, my primary audience is made up of inspirational romance fans. They’re predominantly female and range in age from 18 to mid-sixties.

When I’m crafting my manuscript, I must, must, must consider them.

I could reveal backstory in the first scene. But my readers won’t like that.

I could hint at impending doom or include a shocking surprise within the first chapter. My readers seems to like that, keeps them turning pages.

I could promise a victorious ending for the main character at scene’s opening only to deliver failure. My readers like that unexpected twist, too.

I could deliver a passion-drenched happily ever after ending. All those romance fans will cheer.

I could kill off the main character. Toss in aliens or zombies. Um. My readers will hate that.

Consider the Bible, the most superior book of all. In every way possible, from Genesis to Revelation, God, the Author, considered the reader.

You and me, sinners in need of a hero who could- and would-save the day. And save the day He did! In a mighty influx of breath, He rose from the dead three days following His crucifixion. He walked among His people, joined them at meals, taught truth, and ultimately left them with the Holy Spirit as Counselor before He ascended to heaven.

With no need for editing, God wrote a story of redemption and gave full consideration to the needs and desires of the reader. He detailed from the beginning…. the sin problem, the fatal cost to me as a result, His substitutional provision of forgiveness on the cross, followed by triumphant resurrection.

Be gone, sting of death!

In every way He considered what His readers needed.

We needed—and long for—a Savior.

To that end, He targeted a broad audience.

All. People.

He wrote in narrative, poetry, detailed geneologies. His story is as complete, factual and informative as it is wildly romantic and pleasantly humorous. At times, Jesus was quite the jester with His pithy responses.

Because the Bible’s central message is essential, He made it widely available. His story begins with creation, drawing hearts to consider the work of intelligent design by a Creator. Text breathed by His Spirit, it speaks to me directly and personally. It is rife with promise, warnings, reassurance and hope.

Without question, God, the Author, considered me, the reader, when He wrote His redemption story.

How much will you, the reader, commit to read it this year?


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