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The Gift of Thornbushes

I will block her path with thornbushes; I will wall her in so that she cannot find her way. Hosea 2:6

Recently, I turned my next manuscript into the pub house editor. The story includes a scene where the characters are winding their way along a wooded path and come upon a patch of muddy water with little to no room to traverse either side.

If they’d known about the obstacle, they might have chosen to forego what was intended to be a trouble-free stroll. Because we want—dare I say demand—to get from point A to B without obstruction.

What’s a prayer gathering without the petition … “Lord, please let everything go smoothly.”

But what if we asked God to block our path with thornbushes? To wall us in so we can’t get to the things that promise—but don't deliver—satisfaction?

When we give our devotion to idols—known and unknown—God rightfully places thornbushes in our footpath to redirect our steps. He knows when we’re chasing after something or someone we’re convinced will be fulfilling or we've come to believe we can't live without.

In the ache for eternity God has placed in the fabric of creation, we are prone to cuddle up to substitute gods. The final victory over sin and death is coming (Revelation 22:12, 20), but in the waiting, endless alternatives are right within our grasp.

Thornbushes are barriers—physical, mental, spiritual—God uses to stop our foolish pursuits in the wrong direction. Those prickly aggravations are evidence of his loving protection.

He is our faithful Bridegroom.. (Matthew 25:1, 5)

But like Hosea's wandering, rebellious wife Gomer, we insist on other "lovers", despite God's lavish, unwavering offer of unconditional love.

Strategically placed thornbushes are also intended to correct our faulty thinking. They're a redemptive blessing to the wise and humble.

She [Gomer] will chase after her lovers but not catch them; she will look for them but not find them. Then she will say, 'I will go back to my husband as at first, for then I was better off than now'. Hosea 2:7

It wasn't God's desire for us to deal with thorns and thistles, but our sin cursed the ground. (Genesis 3:17-18) The King of Kings was crowned in thorns, a poignant visual of our need for his blood sacrifice.

Oh the irony!

Take time to thank God for the thornbushes he’s placed in your path and ask him to give you a heart that responds to his loving pursuit.

Points to Ponder

1. What corrective thornbushes have you encountered?

2. When have you asked God to block your path or wall you in?

3. What practical steps can you take to give your heart fully to the Bridegroom?

Thanks for reading!

If you were inspired by today's post and know others who would enjoy it, I'd be super grateful if you'd share.


1. Sweeter with Youbook 2 in The Heart of Moreland Manor series (Elk Lake Publishing, Inc.) is out now and has received favorable reviews. Amen!

2. A Steel Rose* is Book 3 in a multi-author project set in the fictional town of Wild Rose Ridge. It's available for PRE_ORDER! I'd appreciate your support leading up to its release on March 28th. You won't want to miss any of the titles in this contemporary romance series!

*To follow the journey, meet the other authors, and get in on updates on upcoming releases, come join our Wild Rose Ridge Readers 🌹 Facebook group.

Until next time,


If you'd like to receive inspirational posts and/or quarterly author newsletter with bookish giveaways, subscribe here. You'll have the opportunity to download the first 3 chapters of Call to Love, my debut inspirational romance, for FREE!

✏️ This I Promise You (Gardenia Press)

Prequel to The Heart of Moreland Manor series.

What if finding your heart's desire means entrusting it ... just once more ... to the one who broke it?

Book #1 in The Heart of Moreland Manor series.

What if you didn't want your inheritance but it led to your greatest dream?

Book #2 in The Heart of Moreland Manor series.

What if your greatest dream was realized in letting it go?


A tool to help develop the practice of asking, "What truth did the morning bring?" Perfect for those who want a breezy but soul-stirring message to jump start their day.


Unknown member
Mar 11, 2023

He deeply loves us! This portrayal in Hosea was a beautiful image of the heart of a loving and faithful husband. He’ll not stop hemming in his wayward children.


J.D. Wininger
J.D. Wininger
Mar 11, 2023

Much to consider here Ms. Mary. I thought about 1 John 2:16 and how we lust after that which is not ours to possess. We might want it, but getting it is not what God wants us to have. I love your example of how we might ask God to place those loving thornbushes along our paths to keep us moving toward His destination for us. He'll put the off-ramps and on-ramps He needs us to take along our unique journey, and doesn't need our help redoing the road He already established before we were born.

Unknown member
Mar 11, 2023
Replying to

I can certainly relate to those on and off ramps. Grateful for the opportunity the Lord provides to take a different route!


Katherine Pasour
Katherine Pasour
Mar 10, 2023

God has placed many thornbushes in my pathway and I'm thankful. I'm grateful that our loving Father cares for us and chooses to direct our path, to put up roadblocks when we go in the wrong direction, and to stop us in our tracks when our stiff-necked ways threaten to destroy our relationship with Him. He's the God of second (and multiple) chances. We are so blessed.

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