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What the Birds Must Think.

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,

and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.

Are you not much more valuable than they?

Matthew 6:26

This story-style devo was inspired by a thought-provoking poem in Streams in the Desert, 366 Daily Devotional Readings.

Said the Robin to the Sparrow:

“I should really like to know

Why these anxious human beings

Rush about and worry so.’

Said the Sparrow to the Robin:

“Friend, I think that it must be

That they have no Heavenly Father

Such as cares for you and me.”

It cut me to the quick to imagine birds perched on limbs overhead, glancing down as I rush around, fretting over things.

Or sit immobilized by unfounded fear.

Creates quite the sorry picture of one with no Heavenly Father to care for her needs, a girl adequately clothed and well-fed…some days, a bit over-fed.

Imagine me, a soul-filled, beloved human, being the object of aviary jeers, rasps, and condescending squawks.

Full-bellied birds in feathered nests must be mighty perplexed by human fretting and wonder, “Why??”

To think a bird of far less value to God than I am (hey, God said it, not me) carries no anxiety over its next meal or resting place, while I, a beloved recipient of His gift of salvation from sin, sink too readily beneath the weight of concern over issues God has clearly told me to trust him with.

Do not fret. Psalm 37:1

No mincing words here.

God not only knows about my basic need for food, clothing, and shelter – amply satisfying these needs in perfect time – He also knows my faith must be tested and demonstrated to be of greatest use.

And having been taken down the narrow road of suffering a time or two, I’ve upped my effectiveness rating to another who might be lumbering down the same rutted path behind me.

God is in the business of human soul sanctification. So before I succumb to the pitiful whine, “What about my worms?” it wouldn’t take much to ask the Lord to give me eyes to see His abundant provisions, most of which extend waaaay beyond the physical.

Worm or no worm, birds can’t boast the same.

Given the biblical admonition ‘Do not fret’ you won’t find me being outsmarted by a bird. Worry is simply for the birds. Or maybe not…  🙂

How have you chosen to think like a fret-free bird in the face of true difficulty?  

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