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My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? Psalm 42:2 (NIV)

I'm a hybrid author which means I’m contracted with a royalty paying publisher and self publish through my indie house, Gardenia Press (because what's romance without gardenias?).

My Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account enables me to access the dashboard where I can view the virtual bookshelf of my indie published books. I can fiddle with the format and content and view how many ebook or print units have been ordered and the number of actual pages read by readers enrolled in Kindle Unlimited (KU).

Royalties are drafted to the author based on the number of ebook page reads by KU subscribers. That number is reported as the KENP (or Kindle Edition Normalized Page).

Several days a week, I take a peek at my KENP dashboard. Some days the number of pages read has been astounding. Thank you, Jesus! Other days, it's a head scratcher.

Why aren’t my readers reading more?

Maybe God get this ...

Imagine how many volumes of the Bible have been purchased since its first printing that have sat in eery stillness on bookshelves or lay pretty on coffee tables collecting dust.

At times, I’ve been so enraptured by the fresh breaths of wisdom God reveals in his best-selling book that I’ve developed a thirst for more. Not unlike an avid reader who just can’t put the book down. (I have suggestions 😉) Other days, mental distractions dominate and the quantity or quality of pages or verses read is pretty dismal.

If God viewed our regular scripture reading like a KDP dashboard report, what would it reveal?

Monday: KENP 1

Tuesday: KENP 0

Wednesday: KENP 0

Thursday: KENP 1

Friday: KENP 0

Saturday: KENP 0

Sunday: KENP 2 (because we've got Sunday School and worship)

Lord, why do I feel so dry and unsatisfied? Discouraged? Still struggling to refuse the enemy’s serving tray of temptation?

You haven’t been reading my Book.

Accessing updates on the amount of scripture we've read doesn't require our omniscient God to log into a dashboard. He just knows. But the truth is, we could read—and even memorize—God's word cover to cover every day and still not live lives that reflect that.

Reading doesn't guarantee changes in the reader. That's the work of God. But we can't know him well if we aren't diligent about reading what he has to say. And when we ask, he lovingly creates in us a thirst to read—and be transformed by—his book.

May we start each day with an renewed enthusiasm and expectancy to read, listen, and learn. His best-seller is a best-seller for a reason.

Points to Ponder

1. What keeps you motivated to prioritize scripture reading?

2. What are the greatest obstacles to reading the Bible on a regular basis?

3. When has being familiar with scripture helped to guide your decisions?

Thanks for reading!

If you were inspired by today's post and know others who would enjoy it, I'd be super grateful if you'd share.


A Steel Rose* Book 3 in a multi-author project set in the fictional town of Wild Rose Ridge is now available in paperback and ebook HERE. Check out all the titles in this contemporary romance series!

Come meet the other authors and get in on updates on upcoming releases—and a fun Facebook party in May—at Wild Rose Ridge Readers 🌹 Facebook group.

Fresh NEW format and lower price!

A tool to help develop the practice of asking, "What truth did the morning bring?" Perfect for those who want a breezy but soul-stirring message to jump start their day.

Until next time,


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✏️ This I Promise You (Gardenia Press)

Prequel to The Heart of Moreland Manor series.

What if finding your heart's desire means entrusting it ... just once more ... to the one who broke it?

FREE ebook download for newsletters subscribers!

Book #1 in The Heart of Moreland Manor series.

What if you didn't want your inheritance but it led to your greatest dream?

Book #2 in The Heart of Moreland Manor series.

What if your greatest dream was realized in letting it go?


Katherine Pasour
Katherine Pasour
Apr 27, 2023

Your message is an excellent analogy for our sometimes apathy about reading scripture. If I miss my daily devotional time and scripture reading, my day feels as if something is missing--and something is missing! It's so important to have time with God every day, yet there are days when it gets pushed to the back burner. Thanks for the reminder, Mary.

Unknown member
Apr 28, 2023
Replying to

On those days, I'm grateful the Lord waits patiently for us to sit again in his presence and read his immutable book of wisdom.


J.D. Wininger
J.D. Wininger
Apr 17, 2023

Oh, how you spoke to my heart with this post Ms. Mary. Your words made me think of one of my favorite quotes by Pastor F.F. Bosworth. He wrote, "How is it we feed out bodies three hot meals a day and our souls only one cold snack a week? And we wonder why our faith is so weak." Thank you for this truth-filled and inspiring post ma'am.

Unknown member
Apr 19, 2023
Replying to

That's a great word by Pastor Bosworth! We're way too spiritually malnourished. Some view the Bible as a book they've read or film they've seen ... Since they already know how everything turns out in the end, why keep reading? I needed and appreciate your Spirit-filled insights.

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