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Jesus told them a parable that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1

Nothing provokes my inner Rocky Balboa faster than the phrase, “It’s too late.”

Just ask my husband.

“I think we should return this and get our money back,” I say.

“Naw. It’s too late,” he’ll say.

And off to the store I go, receipt in hand.

Running late for the start of a movie…

“But if we leave now, we’ll get to the theatre just as the previews have ended,” I say with sunny and determined disposition.

“It’s too late,” he’ll say.


Often times my persistence has paid off. Enough to motivate me to action when next I hear, “It’s too late.”

I know enough to know that standing over a loved one’s grave, it is, indeed, too late. This side of heaven, anyway. I praise God for the promise of eternity.

I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. I John 5:13

But until that glorious day arrives, it isn’t too late for a matter to be resolved or set right until God Himself proclaims,

“Child. It’s too late.”

God may speak with a still small voice, through other people, or through circumstances. He alone knows the most effective way to flag me down and get me to let go of a matter if necessary.

My biblical heroine? The persistent widow of Luke 18.

Bless her. She was unjustly treated by her adversary and set on a course to right a wrong. So much so that the judge, worn out from hearing her repetitive plea, saw to it she received that which was due her.


Sadly, the persistent widow’s given name was left out of holy text, not included among those of great faith. But Jesus used her persistence as an example for how He wanted His disciples to pray.

Jesus told His disciples a parable to show them them that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1

I’ve written about this verse several times before because where prayer is concerned, particularly for those becoming weary in prayer, Jesus’ directive bears repeating.

In His own way and in His own time, my faithful and just God will see to it that my needs – your needs – are taken care of.

And while God remains sovereign over all things, scripture is abundantly clear:

You who call on the Lord,

give yourselves no rest and give Him no rest

until God establishes Jerusalem. Isaiah 62:6b-7

To persist in disobedience is entirely wrong. So cut that out. But that which is good and righteous? I am called to persist.

They should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1

It may very well be that someone – either within my own household or on the far side of the world – is depending on my persistence. Maybe he’s on the edge of despair or teetering on disbelief.

So I persist. On my behalf or on behalf of another.

No answers yet?


That behavior which a parent may find to be annoying about their child – “Johnny Joe, if you ask me one more time…”  – is not a bother to Almighty God.

When God calls me to take up arms for righteous reasons, I seek to be that woman who, like my biblical heroine, the persistent widow, persists when others lament, “It’s too late.”

Persistence born of God can move mountains. Got any of those? I do.


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