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Those Who Mourn

Blessed are those who mourn; for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4

Typically, I post my inspirational content one to two Fridays a month, but I've been out of my routine since the death of my father in March. He was one of my greatest supporters and a faithful subscriber—even at 95!

Thank you for bearing with me.


"One day closer, Marilyn."

At some point after my mom died in 2010, my dad began reciting this promise to her. It's not a stretch to suggest he'd done this for the past 12 years.

Throughout their 60 years of marriage, they'd faithfully exchanged greeting cards where Dad commonly penned his love for her, and Mom, the same ...

Our love is eternal.

Our love is forever.

'Til the end of time.

Despite being an optimist and ready with a smile, Dad's heart truly ached on the day of her passing ... until the early hours of March 17th when Dad's fragile heart stopped, and the Lord reunited the two at the appointed time ... exactly the way he'd prayed he would ... gently and asleep in his own bed and in his own home.

The sorrow I feel isn't the result of fear for where he or Mom are. I'm sure and certain where they are—more importantly, with Whom they now keep company.

During a quiet evening in September, 1991, I was privileged to share the gospel with Mom. The following day, she'd enthusiastically said, "I have a new spiritual birthday." And at some point in Dad's young life, his heart surrendered to godly values and he consistently lived them out before his six children.

Scripture is rife with promises to those who believe ...

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears My word and believes

Him who sent Me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment,

but has passed from death to life. John 5:24 NIV

For this reason I endure all things for the sake of those who

are chosen, so that they also may obtain the salvation which is in

Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory. It is a trustworthy statement;

for if we died with Him, we will also live with Him. 2 Timothy 2:10-12

But the world and its systems are broken, and we no longer enjoy the paradise of God's original design, a walking-with God-through-the-garden kind of life as was originally gifted to Adam and Eve. While we see evidence of God's handiwork in creation, the search for complete freedom from the effect of the fall is futile.

James 4:9 tells us how we ought to respond to the fallen world ... Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.

Let's not fool ourselves. Death on any level is painful!

So yes, my heart hurts to consider that my parents are no longer living here on earth. In coming days, I'm certain tears could fill Dad's catfish pond out in the country.

Those who mourn apart from knowing Jesus might find fleeting comfort in a therapeutic cry, a prolonged hug, flowers or a casserole.

But those who have faith in Jesus's victory over death on that first Good Friday mourn with hopeful assurance because we know we'll share an eternity together.

The broken will be restored, the dead raised to new life, and the drudgery and pestilence of sin and its deception removed.

*Com: with

Fort: strength

Mourning is a good and effective response after loss. Because the promise of the cross is our comfort.

What losses are you experiencing or have you experienced?

Are you mourning with hopeful assurance or despondent over a loss?

How does remembering the power of the cross enable you to bear up under it?

*Thank you to my dear friend Rebecca for sharing the breakdown of "comfort" with me.

Thanks for reading!
If you found today's post inspirational and know others who would benefit, please share.

Until next time,

✏️ Exciting book news: At the end of April, I'll be releasing This I Promise You, the prequel to my Heart of Moreland Manor series. What if finding your heart's desire means trusting the one who broke it?

A summary of Adelyn and Bryan's story can be found on my website here. New subscribers will have the opportunity to download an e-book copy.

✏️ Releasing 2022: You Are the Reason, Book #1 in Heart of Moreland Manor #Felkinsfiction #inspirational #romance Keep an eye on social media for news on its release, promo images, book quotes. If you're interested in joining the Launch Team, sign up here.

✏️If you'd like to receive inspirational posts and/or quarterly author newsletter with bookish giveaways, subscribe here. You'll have the opportunity to download the first 3 chapters of Call to Love, my debut inspirational romance, for FREE!


Katherine Pasour
Katherine Pasour
Apr 15, 2022

This is beautiful, Mary, a tribute and praise for your parents' love for each other and God's great love for us. After nearly two years, I'm still in the stage of despondency of loss, while continuing to grasp the assurance of hope. I know I will see my loved one again, and I'm grateful that God allowed us 35 years together, but the pain of loss remains. That doesn't men I don't recognize our Father's gift of salvation and eternal life--I have the assurance that I will be with our Lord and my loved one, and that's the greatest gift of all. Praying peace and blessings to you, my friend, during this time.

Unknown member
Apr 18, 2022
Replying to

I love your recent posts about how it's hard to be thankful, grateful. Your comment here speaks well to that. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be joyful because we KNOW the promise of the cross. And yet, death ... We are truly not made for it. I lift you up before the Father of comfort and pray you will find easier days ahead before that blessed reunion with your husband. I welcome freedom from all the difficulties here on earth, don't you? Thanks for sharing authentic thoughts, Katherine!


J.D. Wininger
J.D. Wininger
Apr 15, 2022

In grief we find strength my friend. Know you are not alone in your prayers, nor in your season.

Unknown member
Apr 15, 2022
Replying to

Thank you, JD! I know you know ☺️

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