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Faithful to the Design.

Let them consider the plan … make known to them the design of the temple … that they may be faithful to its design and follow all its regulations.

Ezekiel 43:10-11 (NIV)

As I made my way through the book of Ezekiel over the last several weeks, I was pleased to discover multiple tidbits of wisdom.

However .... the discovery didn't come easy.

At times, I yearned to get through the weighty accounts of the people's wickedness. When the glory of the Lord left the temple, (Ch. 10) I could have called it a day and switched to a lighter, happier book.

But being a persistent soul, I read through all 48 chapters. They were peppered with laments, frequent mentions of profanity and blasphemy, and repetitive prophecies against the disobedient.

As God's people set up idols in their hearts, the Lord said, "I will set My face against them. (Ch. 14:8) Sheesh!

At one point He stated, “I will be calm and no longer angry.” (Ch. 16:42)

If that doesn't sound like a parent doing their level best not to blow a fuse ... (ask me how I know)

Then it was, “I will not let you inquire of Me … (Ch. 20:31)

Oh dear.

There were several chapters documenting God’s exhaustive description of the temple.

And then ... Chapter 43.

Ahhh. God's glory returned to the Temple—where He “will live among the Israelites forever.” (vs 7)

Happy dance! As a romance writer, this had all the feels of a reconciled hero and heroine and love ever after.

But it was God's distinct proclamation about the purpose and design of the temple (vs 10-11) that held me in its grip.

Let them consider the plan … make known to them the design of the temple … that they may be faithful to its design and follow all its regulations.

Ezekiel 43:10-11 (NIV)

Faithful to the design.

We as believers are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ dwells in us.

That led me to consider my design.

There are things about the way God fashioned me for which I’m glad. Other aspects of His artistry I’d change if I could.

Like ... Was there a shortage of the gift of administration or the ability to produce wealth or musical talent?

Wouldn’t a few more inches here, far less there, have been more appealing?

Could my design have included more self-control when provoked? A greater measure of extroversion in matters of injustice and in defense of the gospel?

Like the temple, we are created by His divine and purposeful design.

God knit us together in our mother’s womb. We are fearfully and wonderfully made.

A masterpiece.

David praises God for it. (Psalm 139:13-14).

But are we living out the design for which He purposed or ... maybe lamenting the way He fashioned us?

Living faithful to His design doesn't have to be difficult.

👉When I reach an item off the shelf for someone whose lacks the height God gave me, I’m living as He purposed, faithful to the design.

👉When I write, I’m being faithful to His design.

👉When I pray for others or volunteer my time or share a smile with someone who's lost theirs, I’m being faithful to His design.

👉Conversely, when I refuse to give up a bad habit or choose complaint over gratitude, I’m being unfaithful to the design of the temple, disregarding the purpose for which He made me.

It's sobering to think Satan is furiously busy about his purpose—to kill, steal, and destroy. (John 10:10)

Let's consider Jesus’s design ...

He arrived as the promised Messiah for a people walking in darkness. (Isaiah 9:2)

He appeared as a baby (Luke 2:6-7), completed His earthly ministry to the point of death on a cross, (John 19:30) and was resurrected to defeat the penalty of sin. (Matthew 28:5-6)

From the earliest awareness of His purpose, Jesus was faithful to the Father’s intention. He fulfilled the calling and ministry perfectly. And, praise Him, He will return as promised. (Revelation 19:11)

While sin makes it impossible for us to live flawlessly as Jesus did, we are to be faithful to His purpose in our lives.

As we function alongside and interact with others, may it be evident that His glory exists within the sacred space of His collective people.

When has God affirmed that you are living faithfully to His design? In what ways have you wrestled against it?

Thanks for reading!

If you found today's post inspirational and know others who would benefit, please share.

Until next time,

✏️ You Are the Reason, Book #1 in Heart of Moreland Manor #Felkinsfiction #inspirational #romance Keep an eye on social media for updates and promo images, book quotes. Once I have purchase links, I'll post those to my website.

✏️If you'd like to receive inspirational posts and/or quarterly author newsletter with bookish giveaways, subscribe here. You'll have the opportunity to download the first 3 chapters of Call to Love, my debut inspirational romance, for FREE!

✏️Here's a link to the talk I gave in April with a dear friend of mine, Shining Your Light in Brokenness. May it encourage you in seasons of hardship and realign your perspective.

4 comentarios

Katherine Pasour
Katherine Pasour
01 ene 2022

We are truly "fearfully and wonderfully made" but of course, that beautiful design includes free will--so we sometimes make some terrible decisions. But part of God's amazing plan is that He knew! That's why Jesus was also there at the beginning, because God knew we would need a Savior. I'm praying we can live out God's plan for us in this new year--we are designed to honor and serve Him. Thank you for this inspiring message, Mary. Wishing you a blessed and happy 2022.

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Miembro desconocido
03 ene 2022
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Best part is … He knew and He knows. He doesn’t make anything less than a masterpiece. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Katherine.

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J.D. Wininger
J.D. Wininger
18 dic 2021

How I pray I learn to always seek God to understand the purpose He designed me for. Often, I think my goal is to provide heaven with "comic relief." Other times, I think it is to be an example to the world of just how much He can do with a complete ID-10-T who is willing to surrender his will and his life to his Creator God. So enjoyed this post Ms. Mary. Thank you, God's blessings, and Merry CHRISTmas!

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Miembro desconocido
18 dic 2021
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I believe you walk very faithful in your design. Even to question if He’s satisfied with all the ways you serve Him (yes, laughter and comic relief please!), suggests you are living as He intended. For all of us, there will always be room for improvement until His blessed return. Grateful for you, JD

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