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When God Starts Walking ...

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden. Genesis 3:8

In March 2020, the gym where I workout closed temporarily because of Covid.

As an alternative, I walked the streets of my neighborhood several days each week until the gym reopened that September.

Now that we’re in an apartment, I'll take “sanity breaks” from my writing and walk a particular course around our complex.

I use the time to pray, listen to a music playlist and podcasts, and, on occasion, interact with neighbors.

But when God starts walking, he isn't looking to strengthen his cardiovascular health. It means someone needs what only he can fix.

The first we learn of God’s walking presence in his human-likeness is in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:8) Prior to Adam and Eve’s life-altering decision to eat the forbidden fruit, I imagine God may have walked to relish the majesty of His perfect design.

But this time there was trouble in paradise.

Adam and Eve sinned and brought death into what had been a perfect world. A world our souls long to recapture ...

He has also set eternity in the human heart ... Ecclesiastes 3:11

Adam and Eve’s awareness of their nakedness drew God’s attention. The insidious work of shame had Adam and Eve scrambling to cover up, utilizing fig leaves that would dry and crumble over the course of a few days.

Okay, points for resourcefulness but pretty useless, really.

They were helpless. Utterly without hope.

And God came walking …

He wasn’t geographically challenged. In response to their disobedience, his heart experienced the relational fracture.

I wonder if it quaked through his spirit, the earth at his feet trembling?

They sinned and their eyes were open. (vs 7)

God walked. (vs 8)

They heard him walking and hid. (vs 8)

God called ... (vs 9)

“Where are you?”

In effect, God said, “Where are you in relation to Me, Adam?"

I don’t know about you, but I’m not quick to walk toward offenders.

Fear of further injury?

Though lovingly and purposefully placed in the Garden in direct fellowship with their Creator, Adam and Eve let their hearts be ruled by desires apart from God.

Ever since, God has been in active pursuit, walking toward us .... an invitation to return to the Light of Life.

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light [Jesus] has dawned. Isaiah 9:2

In him there is no darkness at all .... If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. I John 1:5, 7

Sin. The, uh, Garden conundrum of Genesis 3.

Our sin causes us to hide, to recoil, to cover up and turn from one another while God's amazing grace and love moves toward us—to restore and cover us with the blood of the Lamb.

Because when God starts walking, lives are forever changed.

Thanks for reading!

If you found today's post inspirational and know others who would benefit, please share.

Until next time,

✏️ Releasing in 2022: You Are the Reason, Book #1 in Heart of Moreland Manor #Felkinsfiction #inspirational #romance Keep an eye on social media for news on its release, promo images, book quotes. Once I have purchase links, I'll post those to my website.

✏️If you'd like to receive inspirational posts and/or quarterly author newsletter with bookish giveaways, subscribe here. You'll have the opportunity to download the first 3 chapters of Call to Love, my debut inspirational romance, for FREE!

Mid-January, I was honored to speak about writing a fiction series on The Daily Writer #podcast hosted by author Kent Sanders. If you're a writer or creative anywhere along the spectrum and want practical tips and wisdom, this is a great resource!

Available on Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify | Google Play.


Unknown member
Feb 01, 2022

Mary, I have never considered God's purposes in His walking. I love how you brought out His faithfulness to us, even when we are faithless. I'm so thankful He pursues us even when we try to hide from him. Talk about love lived out!

Unknown member
Feb 04, 2022
Replying to

Yes, Jeanne, I am humbled by the Lord's faithfulness in my walk of shame away from His redemptive love. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


J.D. Wininger
J.D. Wininger
Jan 21, 2022

Such a sweet blessing Ms. Mary. I pray I'm focused enough to sense that when God starting walking to me, I start quickly moving to Him. God's blessings ma'am.

Unknown member
Jan 22, 2022
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We could all use a little more focused attention on the intentional steps of God and what it means for us. I'm praying I have the same awareness too, sir!


Katherine Pasour
Katherine Pasour
Jan 21, 2022

I can just imagine Adam and Eve's shame and fear when God called to them. I've been called out by God, too. It's painful. But, the wonderful aspect of our relationship with our Father is that He never gives up on us. He is always willing to walk toward us and meet us on the pathway of redemption. Of course, we have to go to Him--face our fears, admit our shame, accept His loving forgiveness, and move on to do better. Thank you for this message to help us reflect on the love of our Father.

Unknown member
Jan 22, 2022
Replying to

I am grateful for the love of God in his willingness to walk in my direction (many times!) on the pathway of redemption. If only it were easy to take those steps and trust he greets us with forgiveness and mercy ... because he always does. Thanks for your insight here, Katherine.

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